Tuesday, October 25, 2011

laying in bed, me on my laptop, him on his phone.

sounds distant, but it's quite the opposite <3

Monday, October 17, 2011

i haven't cried nearly as hard as i did last night in over a year.
and i havent told anyone the things i've shared with you. ever. the run-around has been exsposed, but never, ever have those exact words left my lips before they were given to you.
thanks for being there, guiding me, holding me tight, and telling me everything will be okay.

thank, you.

it's amazing how you can know someone for years, decades, or even ages and have little to no real connection.
and then out of the blue, just meet somebody, that certain somebody - and feel (if not know for sure) as if you've known this person your whole entire life.

what is love? if this isn't love./