Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the sweetness

you know, you lose some and you win some. and some of the time, you just fix things to the best of your ablilty and settle for the "best." today, i finally got a response back from shelby. surprisingly, my words were taken to heart from what it seems. i'm happy with it. i feel like for the first time, in a long time, i am really happy. i wrote to her because well, i had a lot of things to say and nowhere for my thoughts to go but into words and phrases only used to insult her. i feel like a lot of things have been blown out of proportion, and i feel like we have both been a bit immature. i mean really, i'm getting too old for this shit man. i just wanna lay in bed with my boyfriend and watch tv, play uno with my family, or go to the beach with friends and bullshit for hours. that's what makes me truly happy these days. nothing matters more than that. honestly, nothing. i can say that i miss partying and getting fucked up on the weekends sometimes, but really...laying low is so much nicer. plus, i don't wake up feeling like shit the next morning. i love who i have become, and i love the way my life is playing out. damn i feel like i could ramble for hours, but unfortunately, i am beyond tired. whew.

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