Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Dear the imperfectly perfect me,

i wish you didn't come off as such a bitch. it would be nice to be more patient for people - girls in particular - who aren't as..."with it" as i am. it would be cool to have the guts to answer the goddamn phone when my father calls and tell him how i really feel for once in my life. how awesome would it be to have the ability to look that one person in the eye - no bullshit - and just blurt out exactly how i feel. i wish i was as tough as most people think i am. THAT would be some shit. i wish i was more in shape, but that's somewhat of an easy fix. i wanna be okay with my ex boyfriend, but i'm definitely letting that one go. not for now, but forever. the me i wish i was would be in the marines already. i'm on the way, though. i'm going to join, it's just a matter of time. i wish i was more ambitious. i wish i wanted better for myself in school. the truth is, i'm tired of this place. i'll be out soon enough. i could go on forever, but really those are the only things that REALLY irk me. bleeeeh.

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