Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

i'm trying especially hard to not be a complete bitch to you, but you really let me down. you don't know how to control yourself when you drink, and it's absolutely NOT okay. it's not about our friendship anymore, or about you being completely unaware of other's feelings when you're drunk, it's about you pushing someone. and let me tell you something, i understand it isn't my place to jump in the middle of a relationship, but when both parties are two of my best friends, pushing is NOT acceptable to me. some people look at it as no big deal, but hell no. fuck that. you don't push a girl, hit a girl, or even treat her like shit when she doesn't deserve it in the least bit. if you have an issue with me, talk to ME. don't take it out on your girlfriend who happens to love your stupid ass more than anything else in the world. get your at together, take care of your daughter, stop getting wasted and treating people like shit. then we'll talk, if you even care anymore.

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