Thursday, April 28, 2011


i am so proud of myself.

for my impromptu speech, for my "fat girl" speech, for landing a second job even though yes, i had some help getting it, for going to school while having two jobs, for rocking at being a best friend, for standing up for those who can't always do it themselves/helping them learn how to, for eating healthier, for not smoking (pot or cigarettes) anymore, for being responsible when i drink, for taking care of my friends, for surviving your bullshit day to day, for fixing shit with my father, for being there when it counts, for being the bigger man and apologizing to her, for going on adventures instead of staying inside, for getting a good amount of sleep, for traveling half way around the world and back by myself, for loving you no matter what, for trying my hardest to tell the truth, for sleeping with whoever i think deserves it, for standing up to racist jokes, for being outspoken and brutally honest, for being better at saving money, for letting the small things go (for the most part), for not falling in love with another asshole, for leaving that asshole, for being myself, and for after all this time, still keeping my head up no matter what.

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