Monday, March 14, 2011

like lions do.

i just want someone to lay around with, talk shit about weird things/people in our lives, burn some incense, and eat big burritos filled with yummy things. oh, and someone to eat sushi with. someone who likes to read books about drugs, traveling, or just life in general. someone who has an appreciation for art, espcially photography, even if they don't own a camera. someone who will take me to private art shows, or even to the damn Chrysler museum without me having to mention it more than enough times. i want someone who takes me seriously, even when i have a really stupid idea, or a "dumb" suggestion. someone who tells me exactly how i look in those jeans, or that top, even if they know it's my favorite shirt and i really honestly look like a goon. someone who likes GOOD movies, such as the breakfast club, the goonies, and can't hardly wait. someone who isn't afraid to put me in my place, but doesn't do so in an immature "i'm the guy and you're the girl so do what i say" sort of way. someone who likes, no, loves GOOD music and can deal with my feminine music from time to time. somebody who i can explore with, have fun with, sleep next to while dealing with my constant need to tuck my feet under his, someone to laugh with, cry with, and conquer all the ups & downs in between without making me feel like i'm always in the wrong. someone who is okay with my sexual side and how i am not afraid to talk about it amongst our mutual friends. someone who will never get in my face, and respect my boundaries when we fight. someone who is willing to admit fault. someone who has a job, a car, a license, and a SMART amount of interest in illegal activities. someone to go to the beach with, even when it's cold out and i just need to get some fresh air. someone who will let me pay for the movie tickets every now and again. somebody who introduces me to his friends and doesn't need to be reminded that i'm there. someone who will teach me how to play their favorite video game so that i don't always feel left out. someone who reminds me how certain sports work when i forget. someone who opens the door, or says thank you when i do. someone who is cute, funny, sexy, smart, handsome, and charming. someone who i can trust. someone who says exactly what they mean. someone who takes time. someone who gives me the time of day.


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